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RE: managing patch files

From: Erik Anderson <erikba_at_teamworkgroup.com>
Date: 2005-08-03 00:54:50 CEST

I'm going to hazard a flamewar here and interject that MS's concept of
"shelveset" is not necessarily BS even if it can be done with SVN.

I'm seeing that the difference between a lot of what MS does seems to be
the difference between concept and implementation. SVN is a well thought
out concept and can be made to do most everything that people need in a
versioning system, including these "shelves". It is rock-stable and does
its job well, with many configuration activities pushed off to the person
who sets up the repository.

However, MS appears to be less interested in concept (which it can get
from existing projects) and more interested in implementation. That is,
this is a powerful system, but can it do what the user wants to do without
requiring a lot of hullabaloo involving shell scripts or strange menu
systems. The TortoiseSVN project is heavily invested in improving the

A lot of the talk on this list the last few weeks (that I've been here)
has been discussing this balance of concept vs. implementation (the "meta
tags" discussion is an excellent example of this).

I came up with this idea after seeing all the junk surrounding the Java /
.NET "war". One of the biggest selling points I was hearing was that
".NET has a JIT compiler and Java does not". Besides being wrong, this
highlighted the idea that Sun was more interested in getting a strong
language that could do the job well while offloading tools like optimizers
and JIT compilers to be done by interested third parties (like TYA)

I would like to avoid the whole Java / .NET flamewar here if possible, but
the concept I am trying to put forth is that both the core subversion and
the ease of user accessibility may be important in the future of this

-----Original Message-----
From: news [mailto:news@sea.gmane.org] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 3:13 PM
To: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Re: managing patch files

So bottom line, do you think the 'shelveset' idea is marketing-b***?
that can't be achived just as well with branching & merging?


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