>I'd just like to point out - I've not critizied *nix here, in any way. I just
>get angry when Windows is made out to be a second-class platform in some
>peoples' eyes. Like 'we don't need to implement core case-insensitivity in SVN'.
>Why? Because all *real* os's are case sensitive!!!!! (no guys, perl / python
>scripts don't count. It would be like having a perl script to cope with '/' in
>directory names to make in Unix compatible!)
>Lets cut the OS-facism, and try to be equal partners, yeah?
When you talk about partnership, you really hit a nerve with me. SVN is
being offered as free software, including source code by its developers,
who are developing for their own needs. The model for free software is
that in exchange for this freedom people using it are encouraged to
contribute to its development in order to make it better in some way.
You feel that svn should have support for Windows file name case
insensitivity; the current developement team does not have an interest
in implementing this. If you were really interested in a partnership you
would work on some way to facilitate the implementation of that feature
rather than complain that Windows was being treated as a second class
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Received on Sun Jul 24 04:39:18 2005