I'm a complete SVN beginner.
I successfully compiled subversion-1.2.1 on my hosting provider's
machine (a Linux host) with the options --without-berkeley-db
--with-zlib --with-ssl and then executed 'make fsfscheck'. All the
tests passed, except the following:
FAIL: diff_tests.py 15: repos-repos diff on item deleted from HEAD
FAIL: diff_tests.py 19: diff between two file URLs (issue #1311)
FAIL: diff_tests.py 23: diff a file within a renamed directory
FAIL: diff_tests.py 24: diff a prop change on a dir named explicitly
FAIL: diff_tests.py 25: ensure that diff won't show keywords
FAIL: diff_tests.py 26: show diffs for binary files with --force
FAIL: externals_tests.py 3: update to lose an external module
FAIL: externals_tests.py 4: update change to an unmodified external module
FAIL: externals_tests.py 5: update changes to a modified external module
FAIL: externals_tests.py 6: update changes under an external module
FAIL: externals_tests.py 7: commit and update additional externals
FAIL: merge_tests.py 1: performing a merge, with mixed results
FAIL: merge_tests.py 7: merge on deleted directory in target
FAIL: merge_tests.py 9: merge operations using PREV revision
I'm not sure where to go from here: some of these seem like fairly
serious failures--but I know very little of subversion so far, I'm
reading the red-bean book and learning with my own Windows machine. I
have posted the config.{log,nice,status} from my build are at
http://lotbiniere.org/subversion along with the full tests.log
Can anyone give me any ideas on what might be wrong and how to diagnose
it correctly?
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Received on Fri Jul 15 22:42:53 2005