On 7/6/05, David Weintraub <qazwart@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/6/05, Dan Shookowsky <dshookowsky@gmail.com> wrote:
> > FYI: I really don't like ClearCase. On my previous assignment,
> > ClearCase required a fulltime administrator simply to close the modal
> > dialogs that the server process was displaying on the server's
> > desktop. This is on a machine where no one is logged in. Basically
> > clear case would hang until someone clicked "OK"
> I loved ClearCase, but then I was the ClearCase Admin too which meant
> I pretty much had a job for life. However, I've never seen modal
> dialog boxes on the server. Actually, there are several different
> servers (VOB Server, View Server, License Server) and all of them run
> in the background sending messages to a log file.
This was on a Windows box, I'm not sure if your experience was in a
*nix environment. It's possible that ClearCase is solid as a rock
under Windows, but unfortunately, our support was lackluster (one rep
after another as each quit IBM to move to other things). I just can't
understand the need for a MessageBox call in a service however.
That's the kind of stuff that just shouldn't be in the product at all.
For what it's worth, I'll add that the environment was not a good fit
to showcase ClearCase's strengths and that knocks it down a few pegs.
What do I care about wink-ins and ClearMake if I'm editing C# and XML
files? If I have to eventually deal with rebasing (merging) my code
anyway, what's the significant advantage of Dynamic Views to me?
Sure, I don't get reserved checkout conflicts, but I don't get them
with Subversion either.
I think someone else said it earlier, ClearCase is more appropriate
for environments where large teams are collaborating on large,
long-lived projects with significant branching and merging
requirements. In those environments, the investment in ClearCase
licenses and manpower might be justified. I personally don't spend a
lot of time in those environments, so Subversion suits my needs just
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Received on Wed Jul 6 19:30:45 2005