ohhhh sorry...i had to idea about that fact about linux. I looked at
the output of "top" and "free" and made the assumption...i'm new to
linux, been working on solaris and windows all this while.
thanks...this helps remove one major confusion!
- amol
Jamie Lawrence wrote:
>On Fri, 01 Jul 2005, Amol Karnik wrote:
>>If i checkout the trunk of my repository, my memory usage goes up like
>>I checked the output from top and memory usage on an idle newly rebooted
>>svn server machine *went from around 200Mb to 1.1 Gb*.
>>After the checkout finished, the memory* decreased only slightly from
>>1.1Gb to 999Mb.*
>>I stopped httpd, and the memory usage *went down from 999Mb to 976Mb*.
>>When i start httpd again, the memory usage as reported in top, *went
>>from 976 to 983Mb.
>Are you looking at the mem used value in top? If so, you do realize that
>Linux uses all unused RAM as a cache, right? You can verify this for
>yourself by doing something on a large file. Say, reboot your machine,
>grep a 2G file for something, and you'll have the same effect.
>The RAM is released on demand, as applications use it. In general, let a
>linux box run for a few days, and you will see the Mem free value stay
>roughly flat at some very small value, fluxuating only when a large app
>The only thing to be concerned about is if, say httpd had a huge memory
Received on Fri Jul 1 20:50:16 2005