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Re: AW: This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

From: John Szakmeister <john_at_szakmeister.net>
Date: 2005-06-22 10:54:46 CEST

On Wednesday 22 June 2005 04:29, Akin, Klaus wrote:
> Hallo,
> Thanks for your answer. You are right, it is an out of memory error.
> The memory of the process goes up to 2 GB (which is the upper bound for
> a Process on a win 32 machine), and than throws an out of memory error.
> The files, which I want to checkout have an amount of 400MB (without
> the .svn files). During the merge the memory is always increasing and
> never decreasing.
> Is there a memory leak in the svn client?

There could be a place where we aren't freeing the memory as early as we
can. I thought several developers chased most of these down... perhaps
we missed on though.

Can you generate a complete reproduction recipe? Starting from creating a
repository, to chewing up lots of memory? It doesn't have to fail, but
as long as we can see the memory grow unbounded, that will be sufficient.
It would greatly help to have such a recipe when chasing down this



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Received on Wed Jun 22 10:56:42 2005

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