Well, in a nutshell:
if my property file name is: myserver_stuff.properties
and I have two servers: fooserver barserver
what I have been doing is this:
I create a file in source control called myserver_stuff.properties. This
file contains everything BUT the server-specific stuff.
I then create directories fooserver and barserver, and place files called
myserver_stuff.properties in each. This file contains ONLY the
server-specific stuff.
I then use Apache ant to concatenate the contents of these files as part
of a build process.
I don't like the fact that I have a copy of the config file that doesn't
have a full config in it, that relies totally on an Ant build process for
successful creation. I'm wondering if there's a tricksy way to subvert
subversion (ha!) into separating the diffs between config files such that
I always have full copies of this config file stored in Subversion.
I'm probably not explaining this too well..
-----Original Message-----
From: Jake Robb [mailto:jakerobb@mac.com]
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 2:45 PM
To: Ed Wittmann; users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: RE: howto version control server-specific config files?
I'm interested to hear what your process is. Where I work, we maintain
individual config files for each server, without any automation or version
control. Most of us are unhappy with the situation, but nobody here has
been successful in devising the desired "better way."
-----Original Message-----
From: ed.wittmann@fiserv.com [mailto:ed.wittmann@fiserv.com]
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 2:42 PM
To: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: howto version control server-specific config files?
I haven't seen a post directly on this, and I'm wondering if some of you
could share your strategies for doing the following:
Suppose I have a web application that I like to jar up into a .war file.
Now, this product relies on a property file that changes very specifically
to the server that the webapp is deployed on.
For example, let's say I have a 3rd party product that I can customize. I
have a license key specific to each installation of this application that
must contain the name of the server that the app is installed on.
This hypothetical file also contains lots and lots of other settings that
are not server-specific, and can and will be shared with other servers.
I'd like to keep as few copies of this file as possible. For instance, if
this file is called myserver_stuff.properties, I want to avoid things like
myserver_stuff.properties.server1 and myserver_stuff.properties.server2.
I'm especially interested in keeping all the non-server specific settings
in this file in sync between the copies that I must have. I also must
version control both the non-specific and server-specific settings.
Any thoughts on this? I have a process now but I think it sucks, so I'm
looking to improve it.
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