Geoffrey Alan Washburn wrote:
> Eric Gorr wrote:
>> Well, the solution I am considering is just DeRez'ing (Apple has a
>> useful DeRez tool in the XCode /Developer/Tools folder) the various
>> things and placing those text files under version control.
> Right, but it is kind of expensive to walk over the entire working
> copy and DeRez things every time you want to ask svn a question.
However, in my case, I only plan to DeRez things once and version those
.r files. Since I use CodeWarrior, it can compile the .r files for me
and since I don't need to make many changes any longer, the problem
appears to be largely solved.
When I do need to make a rare change to a particular resource file and
cannot reasonably do it manually, I plan to simply run the file through
Rez and load it into a visual resource editor (like resEdit or
Resorcerer). Then, after I am done editing, DeRez it and commit it again.
By the time I move to X-Code (since CodeWarrior will likely be dead in a
few years), I will hopefully be free of resource forks completely.
>> Now, since I am attempting to move away from resource forks as fast as
>> possible, they aren't changing much which means I won't have much need
>> to convert them into a form that a visual resource editor is capable
>> of working with.
> However, you won't be able to get away from extended attributes.
Well, yes, it would seem logical and useful for Subversion to version
the extended attributes of a file along with the file itself with little
or, perhaps, no user intervention.
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Received on Wed Jun 15 23:19:21 2005