According to page 134 of the physical paperback book, the Configuration
Area Layout sections says that the user defined config file overrides
settings in the system wide config file.
I think I just found an area where it "combines" the settings of the
system-wide file. To wit:
My file:
*.c = svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision
LastChangedBy HeadURL
*.cc = svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision
LastChangedBy HeadURL
*.h = svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision
LastChangedBy HeadURL
*.f = svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision
LastChangedBy HeadURL
*.sh = svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision
LastChangedBy HeadURL
* = svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision
LastChangedBy HeadURL
The result: the keywords still get applied to binary files. Oops! The
server does not ignore the list that is in the system-wide file, if there
is a list in the user's config file.
Either the software has a bug (doubtful) or the documentation needs to be
changed to mention this problem.
I've now changed the system-wide to look like mine :-)
Mike Brown (
Lotus Bloats: Michael L Brown/MSN/MS/PHILIPS
Philips/ADAC, Madison, WI
Desk: 608-288-6969 Fax: 608-298-2101
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Received on Tue Jun 14 23:29:02 2005