advice for repository layout?
From: Corey <>
Date: 2005-06-13 04:55:20 CEST
I've just moved from cvs to subversion, and I'm in the midst of completely
However, I could use some pointers/advice regarding people's opinions of how
First, as root, I created the following directory to hold all current and
Then, as root, I ran 'svnadmin create /usr/local/svn/ToolBox' - to create my
Here is where my first question comes.
Under .../ToolBox, I plan to have a structure that looks something like this:
Now, should I create 'branches', 'tags' and 'trunk' directories under _every_
My gut feeling says I should just go ahead and do so, because "you never
But the problem, is how messy that would look when I want to actualy work and
'svn co file:///usr/local/svn/ToolBox/trunk/perl/trunk/bin/trunk' ... for
Is that actualy somewhat "normal" in subversion-land, or is it really strange
Also, this may sound like naive or stupid question - but is there any subtle
Many thanks for clueing me in!
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