Green newbie wants to know about scalability
From: Janulewicz, Matthew <>
Date: 2005-06-10 18:40:25 CEST
Hey, folks -
I recently started working at a new job that uses CVS, in all the wrong ways, too. Being that they are open to open source, Subversion looks like a compelling (to ape the 'marketing' brochure ...) replacement. Not that CVS scales very well, but I was wondering if someone could give me an idea about large Subversion installations, speed considerations, etc. I recently came from the school of Perforce and was impressed with it's speed and how much code it could handle at one time (mostly talking about pulling code and labeling. And yes, I know that Subversion doesn't really label/tag code ...)
I believe our projects average about 50 megs worth of code/binaries with many thousands of files. I will be looking at (eventually) a Linux server with mostly Windows clients. I think we have maybe 30 or so people pounding the CVS server during the day, with a lot of code going in. We are a fast paced environment with weekly builds and releases (which they will soon want to be daily.)
So, how huge are some of your installations? How does Subversion perform? Any recommendations about BerkeleyDB vs FSFS?
Thanks for any insight, folks!
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