Adrian Hoe wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Jun 2005 13:37:47 +0200, Nicolas Goutte <>
> wrote:
>> On Monday 06 June 2005 13:08, Adrian Hoe wrote:
>> (...)
>>> Second question: I'm using dynamic IP address for the server. SVN
>>> will store the url in .svn folder and when IP address of the server
>>> change, svn will not work because of different server url. Is there a
>>> way to overcome this problem? One way is to manually edit all
>>> the .svn/entries but this can become tedious if there are many nested
>>> folders in the tree.
>> Better than editing the URLs by hand, you should use
>> svn switch --relocate oldURL newURL
>> to change between server IPs.
> Thanks to Nicholas and Cagatay. Your answers are very helpful.
Why don't you pick a hostname via (or and stick
with this?
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Received on Mon Jun 6 15:56:00 2005