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bug? svn add commited by another breaks working copy?

From: Paul Querna <chip_at_force-elite.com>
Date: 2005-06-01 05:55:34 CEST

Hello All,

I had some patches that I summited to Lucene4c committed, and one of
them added a new file. Since I had done a 'svn add file' in my working
copy, to make the patches easier to generate, I expected that once they
were committed, I could just 'svn update'. Instead I get:

svn: Failed to add file 'foo2/blah': object of the same name already exists

$ svn --version

svn, version 1.3.0 (dev build)
   compiled May 25 2005, 09:53:47


svnadmin create ${REPO}

svn co file://localhost/${REPO} foo1
svn co file://localhost/${REPO} foo2
touch foo1/blah foo2/blah
svn add foo1/blah
svn add foo2/blah
svn commit foo1 -m ""
svn update foo2

I looked quickly in the issue database, but I didn't see anything like this.


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Received on Wed Jun 1 05:57:08 2005

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