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Avoiding duplicate filenames in repository

From: Chris Weiss <cweiss_at_stickyc.com>
Date: 2005-05-26 23:14:31 CEST

We ran into an interesting situation where two different Windows clients
both added files with identical filenames but different capitalization
(IE, file1.JPG and file1.jpg). Since *nix considers these two seperate
filenames, we ended up with both files added to the repository. However,
when trying to do a checkout or update, Windows would consider them the
same filename and TortoiseSVN would report being unable to create the
file. Since the filenames were legal, svnadmin recover/verify didn't see
anything wrong. It wasn't until I browsed the repository with
TortoiseSVN (we're using svnserve only as we can't put apache2 on our
cohosted server) that I noticed there were two files and was able to
delete one of them.

Is there any way of preventing this in the future? Since that's the
nature of *nix/Windows interaction, I realize it's not a bug to be
fixed, but it sure would be nice to have TortoiseSVN check for potential
conflicts in the repository before allowing an add like that.

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Received on Fri May 27 17:35:08 2005

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