"Scott Hughes" <shughes@dalsemi.com> wrote in message
> When I migrated my repo over from vss, I did a lot of svndumpfilter
> editing to shuffle all my projects around. Somewhere in there, I forgot a
> "drop empty revs" flag. Now when I edit one of my dumpfiles, I see about
> a hojillion or so of these "empty revs" in the dump. Since I often do a
> full "dump | tar | gzip" for backup, the space isn't that big of a concern
> since I'm sure those messages compress well. However, the time to do this
> backup is actually a bit longer than I think it would be without them.
> Is there an easy way to remove them? The svndumpfilter "drop empty revs"
> option seems to only remove empty revs it would have created as a result
> of filtering, not empty revs from previous filter operations. btw, I
> understand that this will hose all of the working copies I have and I
> consider that okay.
I just realized this is a much bigger problem than I thought. This makes
the output of the log, for any given files, nearly unusable. And it takes
an unbelieveable amount of time to generate a full log dump.
Does anyone have a solution? A handy script or app which reads in the
records, parses them in a friendly way, and writes them back out would be a
good start for me. I could modify that to do what I want if anyone knew of
a tool which was similar.
Thanks for any advice.
Scott Hughes
shughes aht dalsemi daut com
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Received on Thu May 12 01:06:56 2005