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SVN Apache/WebDAV Windows Setup Quick Reference

From: John Doisneau <jdoisneau_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2005-05-11 16:08:14 CEST

Just thought this could be useful to somebody: I compiled a quick list
of actions I performed to get my SVN server work with Apache (Apache
obtained through the XAMPP precompiled distribution).
I don't know how good it is, but for sure it will be useful to me when
I will have to redo those actions in the future.



SVN Apache/WebDAV Windows Setup Quick Reference

1) get copy of xampplite (http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html)
and unpack it to c:\xampplite (important to keep the directory name)

2) take files mod_dav_svn.so and mod_authz_svn.so from the \httpd
subdirectory of the SVN binary install from subversion.tigris.org and
place them into C:\xampplite\apache\conf

3) add the following lines to C:\xampplite\apache\conf\httpd.conf

# svn repository access (note: mod_dav.so is loaded above)
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so
LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/mod_authz_svn.so

4) make sure that the following lines exist in httpd.conf (before the
previous ones) and/or are not commented out:
LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so

5) add a new url location (here, repository will be accessed trough
http://some.address/svn) handling routine to httpd.conf

# svn dav provider: all requests with url path /svn will be handled by WebDAV
<Location /svn>
        DAV svn
        # Absolute disk path of SVN parent directory (containing all SVN repositories)
        SVNParentPath /Temp
        # Access control policy
        AuthzSVNAccessFile conf/svnaccess.conf
        # How to authenticate users
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Our Repository"
        AuthUserFile conf/svnusers.conf
        # Only valid users can access repository
        Require valid-user
        # Disables path checks alltogether (testing only!)
        #SVNPathAuthz off

6) create a the batch file "svnadduser.bat" in
C:\xampplite\apache\conf, containing the call to
apache\bin\htpasswd.exe to add (user,password) couples:

if not exist svnusers.conf ..\bin\htpasswd -cm svnusers.conf %1
if exist svnusers.conf ..\bin\htpasswd -m svnusers.conf %1

and use it to add (user,password) couples to be handled in the repository

7) create the file "svnaccess.conf" in C:\xampplite\apache\conf,
containing the access policies and user groups
admins = svnadmin, User1
ourdevelopers = User2, User3

# give admins read/write access to all repositories
@admins = rw

# give everyone (valid users) read access to this directory
#* = r
User2 = r
User3 = rw

@ourdevelopers = rw

8) testing:
- start apache with the xampp batch file in
C:\xampplite\apache_start.bat and check output for error messages
- try to access http://localhost/svn : it should popup an
authentication dialog and should let you in if the (user/password)
couple is right
- try to access as well the repository through SSL, at address
https://localhost/svn : it should have the same behavior
- stop apache

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Received on Wed May 11 17:20:03 2005

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