Here's another request for some significant, commercial Subversion
We've been using SVN for some XP projects at a client of ours, and we're
happy with it. The client's other teams are also interested, but the bean
counters start going on about - Quoting:
Which commercial companies use Subversion?
Are there similar (50-70 developers) size companies in this list?
How do these companies ensure service and upgrades, if any?
Did these companies have major problems with this tool (downtime or other)?
The only problem I have is with answering the first one. The testimonials
page lists open source projects and few small commercial installations... I
really want to see SVN there - help.
Amir Kolsky
XP& Software
P.S., we personally get nothing out of it. I want to see SVN deployed
because I feel it will do right by the customer.
Received on Wed May 11 09:06:54 2005