Jim Burton wrote:
> I've also been asked to set up this scenario in our web shop but the
> live webservers are outside the firewall with no chance of tunneling
> etc so update or deploy are no use. So I'm thinking we need a
> post-commit hook that uses FTP to move the updated files across. Can
> you point me to an example of something similar?
It would be useful to show us a simple diagram or discription of what
is allowed from where to where. Until then I will assume the
| |
+------+ |F| +------+
|svn | |i| |web |
|server| |r| |server|
+------+ |e| +------+
+------+ |a|
|svn | |l|
|client| |l|
+------+ | |
If you can ssh from svn server to web server then instead of ftp use
ssh. ftp is not a secure protocol and you should avoid it in insecure
environments. Use ssh instead. I recommend using 'rsync' over ssh.
File post-commit:
# Assume "/srv/www" is a working copy owned by a 'www-data' user
# writable by the web server process. Could be located anywhere.
cd /srv/www || exit 1
svn update --quiet
rsync -a --delete --exclude=.svn ./ webserver:/srv/www/
exit 0
Of course newer versions of rsync use ssh by default as the transport
mechanism. If you are using an older version you would need to either
use the '-e ssh' option or set 'export RSYNC_RSH=ssh' in the
You would need to ensure a passwordless ssh connection between
svnserver and webserver. The following should have no output and
return true for the 'www-data' user.
ssh webserver true </dev/null
Usually in the above type of script I would actually redirect all
error output to a log file and I would have it automatically mail me
any errors from the operation.
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Received on Sun May 8 18:41:54 2005