Branko Čibej wrote:
> Manuzhai wrote:
>>> So I have to wonder, what, if anything, are the front-runners for
>>> the next-generation OSS "tracking" tools that will be the natural
>>> successor for the likes of Bugzilla? (Too bad Jira isnt open-source,
>>> it would get my vote)
>> Have you seen Trac [1]? It's been showing up in an awful lot of
>> places, lately, and it has nice integration with Subversion (no
>> integration with other VCS's yet, but they're working on that).
> The problem with Trac is that, as far as I've seen, it duplicates all
> of Bugzilla's conceptual prolbems in the issue tracker part.
> -- Brane
Which are? Could you elaborate?
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Received on Thu May 5 11:16:57 2005