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Re: Subversion > Bugzilla integration through MySQL

From: Frank Gruman <fgatwork_at_verizon.net>
Date: 2005-04-29 19:38:18 CEST

For what it's worth for everyone else...you may be able to right-click
on the link I sent and save file as. The content of the file opens
right up as text when I click on the link from work, so I am pretty
certain I didn't set permissions on that folder.

I don't have an index page on that directory, nor do I want to put one
there. I use it as a general folder for a lot of other things.


White, Daniel E. wrote:

>How about just posting it here ?
>I cannot connect to your machine
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Frank Gruman [mailto:fgatwork@verizon.net]
>Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 11:39 AM
>To: users@subversion.tigris.org
>Subject: Re: Subversion > Bugzilla integration through MySQL
>I have finally gotten around to fixing up the couple items broken below,
>and have a working script.
>If anyone wants to find it, you can go to
>http://www.thegrumans.net/projects/svn/commit-mysql.pl. It's on my
>computer at home, so it won't be reliably fast (or even reliable ;-) ).
>If anyone wants to grab it and put it on a real web server/host, feel
>Here's a brief synopsis of the script and its current limitations:
>* Direct write into Bugzilla MySQL database when commit is done.
>* Writes a full comment with diff of the code changes for that
>* Creates a URL link in the Bugzilla database that can link back
>to the code repository.
>* Current label parsing is set to 16 characters, including spaces
>(Bug / Issue No: )
>* There are several configuration items that can be set at the top
>of the script for repository access.
>* There are several flags that can be passed when calling the
> * The default database/username/password for MySQL are
>I have tested this on my test box at work and put it into production on
>two different repositories. The environment is:
>Bugzilla 2.19.2+
>Subversion 1.2.0rc2
>MySQL 4.1.10a
>TortoiseSVN 1.2.0
> Requires setting the BUGTRAQ:LABEL property with the above label.
>Words of warning : This file is provided AS-IS. I am not a Perl
>programmer. I am a hack. I kludged this together from various googles
>and some of the other files provided with Subversion. If you find
>things wrong and can fix them, great! Please educate me. If you find
>things wrong and expect me to fix them then you may be waiting a while,
>although I would like to know.
>Larry Underhill wrote:
> Hi Frank,
> Looks like you have the following problematic lines:
> my $statement = $db_handle->prepare($sql)
> my $statement2 = $db_handle->prepare($sql)
> my $statement3 = $db_handle->prepare($sql)
> When you call execute() on your db handles, you are using the
> held in $sql each time instead of $sql, $sql2, and $sql3.
> Change those and you should be all set!
> --Larry
> On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 14:44 -0500, Frank Gruman wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am relatively new to the opensource and perl world,
>but am really
> falling in love with both Bugzilla and Subversion.
> I tried to find a good tool to bring the two of them
>together, but was
> failing miserably. Each tool had different pros and
> but the biggest con I found was that I had to keep using
> email gateway. So I found the commit_email.pl script
>and hacked
> together a file that will write to the database
> Let me stress that I HACKED the file together. I am not
>a perl
> programmer, and I pretty much built this on a wing and a
> At this point, I have the system writing to the Bugzilla
>database. The
> issue is that when it writes, it is writing the same
>thing 3 times.
> I cannot find where in my code it should be doing this.
>I've attached
> the file (hopefully you can read it).
> Anyone feeling helpful??
> Frank
> plain text document attachment (commit-mysql.pl)
> #!/usr/bin/env perl
> #
> # commit-email.pl: send a commit email for commit
> # repository REPOS to some email addresses.
> #
> # For usage, see the usage subroutine or run the script
>with no
> # command line arguments.
> #
> # $HeadURL:
>-email.pl.in $
> # $LastChangedDate: 2004-06-14 16:29:22 -0400 (Mon, 14
>Jun 2004) $
> # $LastChangedBy: breser $
> # $LastChangedRevision: 9986 $
> #
> #
> # Copyright (c) 2000-2004 CollabNet. All rights
> #
> # This software is licensed as described in the file
>COPYING, which
> # you should have received as part of this distribution.
>The terms
> # are also available at
> # If newer versions of this license are posted there,
>you may use a
> # newer version instead, at your option.
> #
> # This software consists of voluntary contributions made
>by many
> # individuals. For exact contribution history, see the
> # history and logs, available at
> #
> # Turn on warnings the best way depending on the Perl
> if ( $] >= 5.006_000)
> { require warnings; import warnings; }
> else
> { $^W = 1; }
> }
> use strict;
> use Carp;
> use DBI;
> # Configuration section.
> #What is the Bugzilla userid NUMBER you want to use
> my $buguser = 6;
> # Database command-line executable path.
> # This is generic in the hopes that we will have
>database flexibility
> # for Bugzilla in the future.
> my $dbexe = "/usr/bin/mysql";
> # Svnlook path.
> my $svnlook = "/usr/local/bin/svnlook";
> # Repository Root is the URL for the root of the
> # Since I am not good enough to figure out the projects
>thing, I am going
> # to set this as my one project.
> my $repos_root = "http://web.server.name/projects/svn"
><http://web.server.name/projects/svn> ;
> # By default, when a file is deleted from the
>repository, svnlook diff
> # prints the entire contents of the file. If you want
>to save space
> # in the log and commit messages by not printing the
>file, then set
> # $no_diff_deleted to 1.
> my $no_diff_deleted = 0;
> my $i=0;
> # Since the path to svnlook depends upon the local
> # preferences, check that the required programs exist to
>insure that
> # the administrator has set up the script properly.
> {
> my $ok = 1;
> foreach my $program ($dbexe, $svnlook)
> {
> if (-e $program)
> {
> unless (-x $program)
> {
> warn "$0: required program `$program' is
>not executable, ",
> "edit $0.\n";
> $ok = 0;
> }
> }
> else
> {
> warn "$0: required program `$program' does not
>exist, edit $0.\n";
> $ok = 0;
> }
> }
> exit 1 unless $ok;
> }
> # Initial setup/command-line handling.
> # Each value in this array holds a hash reference which
>contains the
> # associated database information for one project.
>Start with an
> # implicit rule that matches all paths.
> my @project_settings_list = (&new_project);
> # Process the command line arguments till there are none
>left. The
> # first two arguments that are not used by a command
>line option are
> # the repository path and the revision number.
> my $repos;
> my $rev;
> # Use the reference to the first project to populate.
> my $current_project = $project_settings_list[0];
> # This hash matches the command line option to the hash
>key in the
> # project. If a key exists but has a false value (''),
>then the
> # command line option is allowed but requires special
> my %opt_to_hash_key = ('-u' => 'username',
> '-p' => 'password',
> '-d' => 'db',
> '-h' => 'hostname',
> '-l' => 'log_file',
> '-m' => '',
> '-t' => 'db_type');
> while (@ARGV)
> {
> my $arg = shift @ARGV;
> if ($arg =~ /^-/)
> {
> my $hash_key = $opt_to_hash_key{$arg};
> unless (defined $hash_key)
> {
> die "$0: command line option `$arg' is not
> }
> unless (@ARGV)
> {
> die "$0: command line option `$arg' is
>missing a value.\n";
> }
> my $value = shift @ARGV;
> if ($hash_key)
> {
> $current_project->{$hash_key} = $value;
> }
> else
> {
> # Here handle -m.
> unless ($arg eq '-m')
> {
> die "$0: internal error: should only
>handle -m here.\n";
> }
> $current_project =
> $current_project->{match_regex} = $value;
> push(@project_settings_list,
> }
> }
> elsif ($arg =~ /^-/)
> {
> die "$0: command line option `$arg' is not
> }
> else
> {
> if (! defined $repos)
> {
> $repos = $arg;
> }
> elsif (! defined $rev)
> {
> $rev = $arg;
> }
> else
> {
> die "$0: Not enough values defined to run
> }
> }
> }
> # If the revision number is undefined, then there were
>not enough
> # command line arguments.
> &usage("$0: too few arguments.") unless defined $rev;
> # Check the validity of the command line arguments.
>Check that the
> # revision is an integer greater than 0 and that the
> # directory exists.
> unless ($rev =~ /^\d+/ and $rev > 0)
> {
> &usage("$0: revision number `$rev' must be an
>integer > 0.");
> }
> unless (-e $repos)
> {
> &usage("$0: repos directory `$repos' does not
> }
> unless (-d _)
> {
> &usage("$0: repos directory `$repos' is not a
> }
> # Check that all of the regular expressions can be
>compiled and
> # compile them.
> {
> my $okk = 1;
> for ( $i=0; $i<@project_settings_list; ++$i)
> {
> my $match_regex =
> # To help users that automatically write regular
> # that match the root directory using ^/, remove
>the / character
> # because subversion paths, while they start at
>the root level,
> # do not begin with a /.
> $match_regex =~ s#^\^/#^#;
> my $match_reg;
> eval { $match_reg = qr/$match_regex/ };
> if ($@)
> {
> warn "$0: -m regex #$i `$match_regex' does not
> $okk = 0;
> next;
> }
> $project_settings_list[$i]->{match_reg} =
> }
> exit 1 unless $okk;
> }
> # Harvest data using svnlook.
> # Change into /tmp so that svnlook diff can create its
> # directory.
> my $tmp_dir = '/tmp';
> chdir($tmp_dir)
> or die "$0: cannot chdir `$tmp_dir': $!\n";
> # Get the author, date, and log from svnlook.
> my @svnlooklines = &read_from_process($svnlook, 'info',
>$repos, '-r', $rev);
> my $author = shift @svnlooklines;
> my $date = shift @svnlooklines;
> shift @svnlooklines;
> my $bugs = shift @svnlooklines;
> my @log = map { "$_\n" } @svnlooklines;
> # Figure out what directories have changed using
> my @dirschanged = &read_from_process($svnlook,
>'dirs-changed', $repos,
> '-r', $rev);
> # Remove the regular bug expression 'Bug /Issue No: '
>(assuming the use of
> # a template entry since we use TortoiseSVN with a
>template BUGID.
> $bugs = substr($bugs,15);
> my @allbugs = split /, /,$bugs;
> # Lose the trailing slash in the directory names if one
>exists, except
> # in the case of '/'.
> my $rootchanged = 0;
> for ( $i=0; $i<@dirschanged; ++$i)
> {
> if ($dirschanged[$i] eq '/')
> {
> $rootchanged = 1;
> }
> else
> {
> $dirschanged[$i] =~ s#^(.+)[/\\]$#$1#;
> }
> }
> # Figure out what files have changed using svnlook.
> @svnlooklines = &read_from_process($svnlook, 'changed',
>$repos, '-r', $rev);
> # Parse the changed nodes.
> my @adds;
> my @dels;
> my @mods;
> foreach my $line (@svnlooklines)
> {
> my $path = '';
> my $code = '';
> my $weblink = '';
> # Split the line up into the modification code and
>path, ignoring
> # property modifications.
> if ($line =~ /^(.). (.*)$/)
> {
> $code = $1;
> $path = $2;
> }
> if ($code eq 'A')
> {
> $weblink = "$repos_root/$path";
> push(@adds, $weblink);
> }
> elsif ($code eq 'D')
> {
> push(@dels, $path);
> }
> else
> {
> push(@mods, "$repos_root/$path");
> }
> }
> # Get the diff from svnlook.
> my @no_diff_deleted = $no_diff_deleted ?
>('--no-diff-deleted') : ();
> my @difflines = &read_from_process($svnlook, 'diff',
> '-r', $rev,
> # Modified directory name collapsing.
> # Collapse the list of changed directories only if the
>root directory
> # was not modified, because otherwise everything is
>under root and
> # there's no point in collapsing the directories, and
>only if more
> # than one directory was modified.
> my $commondir = '';
> if (!$rootchanged and @dirschanged > 1)
> {
> my $firstline = shift @dirschanged;
> my @commonpieces = split('/', $firstline);
> foreach my $lines (@dirschanged)
> {
> my @pieces = split('/', $lines);
> my $a = 0;
> while ($a < @pieces and $a < @commonpieces)
> {
> if ($pieces[$a] ne $commonpieces[$a])
> {
> splice(@commonpieces, $a, @commonpieces
>- $a);
> last;
> }
> $a++;
> }
> }
> unshift(@dirschanged, $firstline);
> if (@commonpieces)
> {
> $commondir = join('/', @commonpieces);
> my @new_dirschanged;
> foreach my $dir (@dirschanged)
> {
> if ($dir eq $commondir)
> {
> $dir = '.';
> }
> else
> {
> $dir =~ s#^$commondir/##;
> }
> push(@new_dirschanged, $dir);
> }
> @dirschanged = @new_dirschanged;
> }
> }
> my $dirlist = join(' ', @dirschanged);
> # Assembly of log message.
> # Put together the body of the log message.
> my @body;
> push(@body, "Author: $author\n");
> push(@body, "Date: $date\n");
> push(@body, "New Revision: $rev\n");
> push(@body, "\n");
> if (@adds)
> {
> @adds = sort @adds;
> push(@body, "Added:\n");
> push(@body, map { " $_\n" } @adds);
> }
> if (@dels)
> {
> @dels = sort @dels;
> push(@body, "Removed:\n");
> push(@body, map { " $_\n" } @dels);
> }
> if (@mods)
> {
> @mods = sort @mods;
> push(@body, "Modified:\n");
> push(@body, map { " $_\n" } @mods);
> }
> push(@body, "Log:\n");
> push(@body, @log);
> push(@body, "\n");
> push(@body, map { /[\r\n]+$/ ? $_ : "$_\n" }
> # Go through each project and see if there are any
>matches for this
> # project. If so, send the log out.
> foreach my $project (@project_settings_list)
> {
> print "$project \n";
> my $match_re = $project->{match_re};
> my $match = 0;
> # my @bugid = split /, /, $allbugs
> # for ( $i = 0; $bugid[i] ne "";$i++)
> foreach my $bugid(@allbugs)
> {
> print "$bugid \n";
> # foreach my $path (@dirschanged, @adds, @dels,
> # {
> # if ( $path =~ $match_re)
> # {
> # $match = 1;
> # last;
> # }
> # }
> # next unless $match;
> my $username = $project->{username};
> my $password = $project->{password};
> my $database = $project->{database};
> my $hostname = $project->{hostname};
> my $log_file = $project->{log_file};
> my $db_type = $project->{db_type};
> ## Writing data to the Bugzilla database now
> my $dsn = "dbi:mysql:dbname=$database";
> my $db_handle = DBI->connect($dsn, $username,
> or die "Couldn't connect to database:
> #Update the comments / text field on the bug.
> my $sql = "insert into $database.longdescs values
>($bugid,$buguser,now(),0,'@body',0,0)" ;
> my $statement = $db_handle->prepare($sql)
> or die "Couldn't prepare insert LONGDESCS query
>'$sql': $DBI::errstr\n";
> $statement->execute()
> or die "Couldn't executre insert LONGDESCS query
>'$sql': $DBI::errstr\n";
> #Updat the BUGS_ACTIVITY table to reflect addition of
> #This is to ensure that ALL changes are reflected in the
>activity log.
> # (Oh how I wish it was Oracle - could have put a
>trigger on a table instead of coding here
> # to keep everyone honest. :-)
> # Description of codes : the 33 code defines the field
>modified. In my shell, it is 33.
> # So I assume it is the same in a default shell because
>I did not change any field layout (yet).
> # The ADDED reflects the type of modification.
> my $sql2 = "insert into $database.bugs_activity
>values ($bugid,NULL,$buguser,now(),33,'ADDED',' '";
> my $statement2 = $db_handle->prepare($sql)
> or die "Couldn't prepare insert BUGS_ACTIVITY
>query '$sql': $DBI::errstr\n";
> $statement2->execute()
> or die "Couldn't executre insert BUGS_ACTIVITY
>query '$sql': $DBI::errstr\n";
> #Update the BUGS table to set the "last change"
>timestamp to current time.
> my $sql3 = "UPDATE $database.bugs SET delta_ts =
>now() WHERE bug_id = $bugid";
> my $statement3 = $db_handle->prepare($sql)
> or die "Couldn't prepare insert BUGS query
>'$sql': $DBI::errstr\n";
> $statement3->execute()
> or die "Couldn't execute insert BUGS query
>'$sql': $DBI::errstr\n";
> # Dump the output to logfile (if its name is not
> if ($log_file =~ /\w/)
> {
> if (open(LOGFILE, ">> $log_file"))
> {
> print LOGFILE @body;
> close LOGFILE
> or warn "$0: error in closing `$log_file'
>for appending: $!\n";
> }
> else
> {
> warn "$0: cannot open `$log_file' for
>appending: $!\n";
> }
> }
> }
> }
> exit 0;
> sub usage
> {
> warn "@_\n" if @_;
> die "usage: $0 REPOS REVNUM [[-m regex] [options]]
> "options are\n",
> " -u username Bugzilla database
> " -p password Password of specified
> " -d db Database schema (default
>= bugs)\n",
> " -h hostname Hostname of server
>running Bugzilla\n",
> " -l log_file Error log is commit not
> " Default is
> " -m regex Regular expression to
>match committed path\n",
> " or project name if
>using repository root\n",
> " -t db_type Database type
> "\n",
> "This script supports a single repository with
>multiple projects,\n",
> "where each project will be updated only for
>commits that modify that\n",
> "project. A project is identified by using the -m
>command line\n",
> "with a regular expression argument. If a commit
>has a path that\n",
> "matches the regular expression, then the entire
>commit matches.\n",
> "\n",
> "To support a single project conveniently, the
>script initializes\n",
> "itself with an implicit -m . rule that matches
>any modifications\n",
> "to the repository. Therefore, to use the script
>for a single\n",
> "project repository, just use the other comand
>line options.\n";
> }
> # Return a new hash data structure for a new empty
>project that
> # matches any modifications to the repository.
> sub new_project
> {
> return {username => 'bugs',
> password => 'bugs',
> database => 'bugs',
> hostname => 'localhost',
> log_file => '',
> match_regex => '.',
> db_type => 'mysql'};
> }
> # Start a child process safely without using /bin/sh.
> sub safe_read_from_pipe
> {
> unless (@_)
> {
> croak "$0: safe_read_from_pipe passed no
> }
> my $pid = open(SAFE_READ, '-|');
> unless (defined $pid)
> {
> die "$0: cannot fork: $!\n";
> }
> unless ($pid)
> {
> open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT")
> or die "$0: cannot dup STDOUT: $!\n";
> exec(@_)
> or die "$0: cannot exec `@_': $!\n";
> }
> my @output;
> while (<SAFE_READ>)
> {
> s/[\r\n]+$//;
> push(@output, $_);
> }
> close(SAFE_READ);
> my $result = $?;
> my $exit = $result >> 8;
> my $signal = $result & 127;
> my $cd = $result & 128 ? "with core dump" : "";
> if ($signal or $cd)
> {
> warn "$0: pipe from `@_' failed $cd: exit=$exit
> }
> if (wantarray)
> {
> return ($result, @output);
> }
> else
> {
> return $result;
> }
> }
> # Use safe_read_from_pipe to start a child process
>safely and return
> # the output if it succeeded or an error message
>followed by the output
> # if it failed.
> sub read_from_process
> {
> unless (@_)
> {
> croak "$0: read_from_process passed no
> }
> my ($status, @output) = &safe_read_from_pipe(@_);
> if ($status)
> {
> return ("$0: `@_' failed with this output:",
> }
> else
> {
> return @output;
> }
> }
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Received on Fri Apr 29 19:43:07 2005

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