Chris Jensen wrote:
> If all your webapps live in the same directory, depending on how much
> time you have and how much work you want to put into it
I don't mind putting time on something that will, in the end, optimize
the way we developpe software at work ^_^
> the script could simply do
> svn up root_of_all_webapps/
> on every commit without checking.
> Sure it would also do an unnecissary check for updates when you tag or
> branch, but I'm guessing the overhead wouldn't hurt your dev server.
One of the reason why we chose Subversion was that it's blazing fast and
light. I already thought of this way but :
1. When you do a commit, the hook have to update the complete working
copy on the server, wich I think will slow things down.
3. I want to have trunk and tags for each apps.
2. Dev aren't working on all webapps at a time (out of +-20
applications) so when a dev would want to update is working copy, he
would have to wait till SVN update his app and all of the other app that
he's not working on but others are.
The solution to #3(and at the same time #2), would be to use externals
on the main root folder
So what would you suggest ? Go with a "pull everything" update or a
batch file to check witch app have been updated and publish only these
changes ?
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Received on Sat Apr 23 22:21:08 2005