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viewcvs - install/setup issues...

From: bruce <bedouglas_at_earthlink.net>
Date: 2005-04-13 18:33:13 CEST


i'm trying to install viewcvs for integration with Gforge/SVN. it appears
that i'm having issues with the viewcvs.conf file.

currently, i'm getting an error:
An Exception Has Occurred

The root "test2" is unknown. If you believe the value is correct, then
please double-check your configuration.
HTTP Response Status

404 Repository not found


Python Traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/viewcvs/lib/viewcvs.py", line 3388, in main
  File "/viewcvs/lib/viewcvs.py", line 280, in run_viewcvs
    % self.rootname, "404 Repository not found")
ViewCVSException: 404 Repository not found: The root "test2" is unknown. If
you believe the value is correct, then please double-check your
if anyone has gotten ViewCVS/Gforge working and would allow me to see their
httpd.conf/viewcvs.conf files, then i could compare what i have with what
you have and try to see what the issue/differences are ....
my system information:::
i'm using fedora core 2, SVN-1.0.9, GForge4, ViewCVS (latest from viewcvs
i can do 'svn list svn:://' or
'svn list file:///svn-gforge/uploadsvn' and get the following
this seems to be consistent with what the GForge svn plugin guide was
my viewcvs.cgi is in:
my httpd.conf section is:
# Primary GForge vhost
# Load gforge config files from the config directory /etc/httpd/conf.d".
#Include conf.d/gforge_vh.conf
 ServerName dev1.gotdns.com
 #ServerName gforge.mesa.com
 #ServerAlias app1.gotdns.com
 ServerAdmin webmaster@gforge.mesa.com
 DocumentRoot /var/www/gforge/www
<Directory /var/www/gforge/www>
  Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  php_admin_value include_path
  php_admin_value default_charset "UTF-8"
  php_admin_value register_globals "On"
 Alias /images/ /var/www/gforge/www/images/
 DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
 <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
  UserDir disabled
 php_admin_value default_charset "UTF-8"
 <Directory /var/www/gforge/www>
  Include   /var/www/gforge/etc/httpd.secrets
 ScriptAliasMatch ^/plugins/([^/]*)/cgi-bin/(.*)
 # Projects and Users script
 <Location /projects>
  ForceType application/x-httpd-php
 <Location /users>
  ForceType application/x-httpd-php
 # 404 Error document
 ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
 LogFormat "%h %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" gforge
# CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/cronolog
/var/www/gforge/var/log/#gforge/%Y/%m/%d/gforge.log" gforge
 # GForge without the DNS delegation
 # Project home pages are in a virtual /www/<group> location
 AliasMatch ^/www/([^/]*)/(.*) /home/groups/$1/htdocs/$2
 ScriptAliasMatch ^/([^/]*)/cgi-bin/(.*) /home/groups/$1/cgi-bin/$2
 <Directory /home/groups>
  Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
 # Ensure that we don't try to use SSL on SSL Servers
 <IfModule apache_ssl.c>
the scriptalias for the plguins section seems to match, and it seems to
start the viewcvs.cgi app.
my viewcvs.conf file is in /etc/viewcvs/viewcvs.conf
(i'm including what i think are the relevant sections. i'm inclined to
believe that i don't have the conf file setup correctly given the error that
i get when i try to access a project from gforge.)
[root@lserver2 g1]# cat /etc/viewcvs/viewcvs.conf
# Configuration file for ViewCVS
# Information on ViewCVS is located at the following web site:
#     http://viewcvs.sourceforge.net/
#    the [templates] override section
# This setting specifies each of the CVS roots on your system and assigns
# names to them. Each root should be given by a "name: path" value. Multiple
# roots should be separated by commas and can be placed on separate lines.
#cvs_roots = cvs: /home/cvsroot
# This setting specifies each of the Subversion roots (repositories)
# on your system and assigns names to them. Each root should be given
# by a "name: path" value. Multiple roots should be separated by
# commas and can be placed on separate lines.
svn_roots = svn: /svn-gforge
# The 'root_parents' setting specifies a list of directories in which
# later parent paths may override earlier ones.
#root_parents = /home/svn-repositories : svn,
#               /home/cvs-repositories : cvs
# this is the name of the default root
# (ignored when root_as_url_component is turned on)
default_root = svn
# uncomment if the RCS binaries are not on the standard path
#rcs_path = /usr/bin/
# use rcsparse python module to retrieve cvs repository information instead
# of invoking rcs utilities. this feature is experimental
use_rcsparse = 0
# This address is shown in the footer of the generated pages.
# It must be replaced with the address of the local repository maintainer.
address = <a href="mailto:cvs-admin@test.com">test.com</a>
# This should contain a list of modules in the repository that should not be
# displayed (by default or by explicit path specification).
# This configuration can be a simple list of modules, or it can get quite
# complex:
#   *) The "!" can be used before a module to explicitly state that it
#      is NOT forbidden. Whenever this form is seen, then all modules will
#      be forbidden unless one of the "!" modules match.
#   *) Shell-style "glob" expressions may be used. "*" will match any
#      sequence of zero or more characters, "?" will match any single
#      character, "[seq]" will match any character in seq, and "[!seq]"
#      will match any character not in seq.
#   *) Tests are performed in sequence. The first match will terminate the
#      testing. This allows for more complex allow/deny patterns.
# Tests are case-sensitive.
forbidden =
# Some examples:
# Disallow "example" but allow all others:
#   forbidden = example
# Disallow "example1" and "example2" but allow all others:
#   forbidden = example1, example2
# Allow *only* "example1" and "example2":
#   forbidden = !example1, !example2
# Forbid modules starting with "x":
#   forbidden = x*
# Allow modules starting with "x" but no others:
#   forbidden = !x*
# Allow "xml", forbid other modules starting with "x", and allow the rest:
#   forbidden = !xml, x*, !*
. (the rest of the config file is pretty much the default, no changes...)
any help/ideas/thoughts/etc would be greatly appreciated...
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Received on Wed Apr 13 18:33:58 2005

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