Dirk Schenkewitz wrote:
> I observe that my posts appear with a very long delay (several
> hours) or perhaps not at all. Do I have some kind of problem?
> I can see other people's posts show up and they seem to be only
> a few minutes old.
> I'm worried. Does anybody know this? What can I do?
> Dirk
> (finished and sent at thursday, 23:17 MET)
You can see where the delays are occurring by looking at the raw message
> Received: from xi.pair.com (xi.pair.com [])
> by fisher.stats.uwo.ca (8.13.1/8.13.1) with SMTP id j38LJHQJ004901
> for <murdoch@stats.uwo.ca>; Fri, 8 Apr 2005 17:19:17 -0400
> Received: (qmail 57630 invoked by uid 8310); 8 Apr 2005 21:19:16 -0000
> Delivered-To:
> Received: (qmail 57620 invoked from network); 8 Apr 2005 21:19:16 -0000
> Received: from newtigris.sfo.collab.net (HELO tigris.org)
> by xi.pair.com with SMTP; 8 Apr 2005 21:19:16 -0000
> Received: (qmail 28772 invoked by uid 5302); 8 Apr 2005 21:18:19 -0000
The last one is where the message was injected into the mailing list;
the first one is where one of my servers forwarded it to the one where I
read it. I'm not sure what time zone MET is, but I'm guessing 23:17 MET
is the same as 21:17 GMT, so the message went out to xi.pair.com about a
minute after you submitted it, and got to the final destination within a
second or so of that.
Duncan Murdoch
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Received on Sat Apr 9 02:32:49 2005