I have a linux server running subversion.
I have mounted a folder to my windows webserver as the apache user.
I added the following line to the post-commit file under the hooks directory
and granted it execute permissions
/usr/bin/svn update /mnt/iisdev//wwwroot/
post-commit is also owned by root.
from my workstation i update my source and it isn't automatically copied
over to the mnt dir.
if i run the post-commit manually it works just fine and updates the folder.
why is subversion not able to update the mnt automatically?
Secondly is there a way instead off just running svn update to run svn
update on the specific files being worked on in the repository. If only 5
files are being worked on i would rather that only those 5 files be updated
instead of checking the entire repository for the updates.
Jay Zorzi
Systems Administrator, Information Technology
MarketLink Solutions
see further. achieve more.
e - jzorzi@marketlinksolutions.com
t - 416.260.2800 x299
f - 416.260.2893
Received on Thu Mar 31 22:25:59 2005