RE: Tag only the changed list
From: Muthu Gopal <>
Date: 2005-03-31 07:25:14 CEST Thank you Robert. Here is the reason for my request on creation of tag based on changedset. As I mentioned earlier, in our org. the development of code is done by one team, while the compilation and development of the binaries are done by another team. The compilation team would pick-up sources only from the subversion repository. The development team commits the changes in the repository for each change request or defect fix. So let's say there are 3 defects affecting 15 files ( 5 files each),3 commits would be done by the development team. Out of these 15 files, 6 may be from java folder,4 may be shell folder and another 5 from jsp folder. When they handover the sources, they ideally create a tag and ask the compilation/deployment team to pick-up sources using that tag. Since the compilation/deployment team would need only the files that are changed after the last deployment (but in the same directory tree structure), having the entire source set in the new tags would mean, the compilation team must execute the svn diff/log commands to pick up sources, instead of the straight forward svn update and windows copy. Secondly the development team instead of handing over all the changes made for 3 commits, may like to handover the changes made for the 1st commit and the changes made for the 3rd commit (if they are mutually exclusive, which is the real scenario in our org) in one shot to the deployment team, leaving out the changeset of the 2nd commit. If the development team creates a tag (using svn copy) after the 3rd commit, they would get the entire repository in the new tag. The svn diff/log would also have changes made for the 2nd commit. The commands Robert has listed are fine, but I would require the files in the tags folder with the same directory structure as in trunk ( something like /tags/mytag/java/<specific but not all java files>, /tags/mytag/jsp/<specific but not all jsp files>, etc) I have read something related to this under the "Complex tags" section of the subversion book. However it's not very clear on how to handle this situation. Moreover it's still addresses only the full release deployment and not incremental. Muthu |
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