I'm not sure I understand the question. It's just being called in plain
old .bat files.
Here is an example of one I use to create pdfs of website statistics and
mail them. The blat reference is at the bottom of the file.
REM Batch file to create and email pdf of website statistics
REM Takes month year
SET awstatsdir=d:\websites\tools\awstats
SET omniformatdir=c:\omniformat
SET outputdir=d:\websites\tools\awstats\pdfs
REM Loop through the recipients
FOR /F "usebackq eol=; tokens=1,* delims=," %%i IN (recipients.txt) DO
CALL :CreateAndSend %%j %%i %1 %2
REM Delete the temp files
ECHO Deleting %1-%2 files
DEL %awstatsdir%\%1-%2-*.html
DEL %outputdir%\%1-%2-*.pdf
DEL %outputdir%\body.txt
REM Create the PDF to Mail
IF NOT EXIST %awstatsdir%\%3-%4-%2.html (
EChO Creating %3-%4-%2.html
%awstatsdir%\awstats.pl -config=%2 -output -month=%3 -year=%4
-staticlinks > %awstatsdir%\%3-%4-%2.html
IF NOT EXIST %outputdir%\%3-%4-%2.pdf (
ECHO Creating %3-%4-%2.pdf
%omniformatdir%\html2pdf995.exe "%awstatsdir%\%3-%4-%2.html"
REM Mail the PDF
ECHO Creating and Sending %2 mail to %1
ECHO Here is your %3-%4 statistics for %2. > %outputdir%\body.txt
ECHO You can view up to date statistics at
http://proverbs.gc.sda.org/tools/awstats/awstats.pl?config=%2 >>
blat body.txt -s "Statistics for %2" -to %1 -server localhost -f
awstats@proverbs.gc.sda.org -attach %3-%4-%2.pdf
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Mills [mailto:jmills@cs.mun.ca]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:23 AM
> To: users@subversion.tigris.org
> Subject: Re: Commit email on Windows
> How did you set it up? Did you write your own
> python/perl/ruby script to use Blat? Or is there some other
> way I'm unaware of?
> Jason
> Johnson, Rick wrote:
> > I'm using Blat for auto-build notifications, not for
> repository commits.
> > I can't imagine it would be much different. It's worked flawlessly.
> >
> > Rick
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Received on Wed Mar 30 15:35:17 2005