I use apache to serve my repository. The authentication and access right
management is done with mod_authz.
Basically everything works right.
But the following configuration ( just a snippet ) doesn't allow me to
retrieve the shielded subdirectory by a svn:externals rule from another
project at the same server.
@isoaglib-developers = rw # restrict commit right
* = r # allow read by world
# limit any access to commercial_BIOSes of
# other manufacturers to OSB internally
@isoaglib-developers = rw # restrict also the read access to developers
* = # forbid read access to rest
I can only assume, that "svn up" or "svn co" automatically switches to
anonymous mode with entering the IsoAgLib directory/project. If the update
process reaches the restricted parts, it doesn't know any more, that I had
initially the membership in the @isoaglib-developers group, which would allow
me to read also that secured subdirectory.
Is there any way to tell subversion to remember my user and group access
rights, so that I get the /IsoAgLib/commercial_BIOS/bios_esx contents?
Even an explicit "svn up --user spangler" doesn't give me the the content.
This IsoAgLib project is included by a svn:externals rule into another
project, which is totally shielded from any anonymous access. So even my
checkout with user authentification from including project forgets my access
rights as soon as it can get the IsoAgLib/commercial_BIOS directory without
I use Linux Debian with version 1.0.6 at server and 1.1.3 at client
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Received on Mon Mar 21 15:25:25 2005