Craig Beck wrote:
> I keep getting this mesage when I try to set the svn:ignore property.
> svn: Explicit target required
> I have a bunch of files generated at runtime that I don't need
> versioned, nor do I want to see them when I do "svn st"
> I checked the docs, and "Practical Subversion" but don't seem to be
> having much luck using the following format
> % svn propset svn:ignore tmp/*.log
> svn: 'tmp/pswp.log' is not under version control
> if I sdd it to version control and specify the file
> % svn propset svn:ignore tmp/pswp.log
> svn: Explicit target required ('tmp/pswp.log' interpreted as prop value)
> Any help? Clarifications?
You are confused about how svn:ignore works.
Read the appropriate section of the svnbook:
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Received on Sat Mar 12 20:55:35 2005