On Tuesday 01 March 2005 2:20 pm, Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:
> Yes you are. :-) Subversion's commits are "packaged" into atomic
> groups already. If a bugfix touches 14 files, then 'svn commit' will
> create a new global revision, and the bug is said to be "fixed by
> revision N". At any time, 'svn log -v -rN' will show you the exact
> change (including list of files) that fixed the bug. So there's no
Ideally, yes; all your fixes go into one commit. However, things don't always
go perfectly, so it may take more than one commit to get everything checked
in and correct. Or, suppose you have multiple developers supplying a pieces
to a multi-part fix. Each developer checks in their components, thus
multiple checkins per fix.
This could be controlled by requiring all changes be done on their own branch,
and then the merge back is identified as the revision of the fix. But often
developers will work fixes to multiple bugs into one module at the same time.
They would have to work the same module on multiple branches, then do
multiple merges back to the base.
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Received on Fri Mar 4 17:32:56 2005