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Layout Question (long)

From: Dirk Schenkewitz <schenkewitz_at_docomolab-euro.com>
Date: 2005-03-04 11:56:22 CET

Hi All,

Here is what I have:
There was/is a project PX, which was developed outside our
company, another group added IPv6 support which, in turn, led
to a further bugfix-version (which was still buggy), then we
did some bugfixes/improvements to the original version and
the IPv6-version and added further small features. Now, the
the original group released a new version and yet another
group added IPv6 support to this (the newest original) version
in a completely different way. I guess our next step will be
to add our features to the newest original and IPv6-supporting

I have .tar files of the publicly available realeases.
the "original" developer group released version PX-0.1 to
PX-0.5, PX-0.5.1, 0.6, 0.7, 0.7.2, 0.8, 0.8.1, 0.9.

The first IPv6 version branched from PX-0.5 and was named
PX6-0.2 and the bugfix (which was done by someone else) was
named PX6-0.2I. These version was then IPv6-only.

The "newest" modification adds IPv6 support to PX-0.9 without
losing the IPv4 cabability. There is a bugfix to this version.

Our features were added to PX-0.5 and PX6-0.2I.
During our development several "branches/versions" were created
by copying the whole source directory to one with a different
name. Also, from a certain point on, we support IPv4 and IPv6.
No version control system was used here, but editor backups
are available.

Then I was asked to set up subversion. I thought it would be a
good practise for me to put this project under subversion, but
up to now I don't know what might be the best way to do it.

It seems logical to start with PX-0.1 and put the following
releases one by one onto "trunk" and make tags for each one.
Then after checking in PX-05 do 'svn cp trunk branches/PX6',
do 'svn cp branches/PX6 tags/PX6-02', apply the "I"-bugfix
to PX6, copy it to tags/PX6-02I and then continue by putting
PX-0.6 onto the trunk until PX-0.9, then doing 'svn cp trunk
branches/PX0.9-IPv6', make a tag, apply the bugfix and make
a tag. Finished.

Ok. That takes care of everything that was not developed/
changed in our house. (*)

And that's my problem: How can I integrate our changes/bugfixes
into all this? I thought the trunk should reflect the original
development line, so it's ok that our changes don't go into the
trunk, but what might be the best way to apply one of our
enhancements to a branch derived from PX-0.5 (say, PX-0.5_d_0.1
to PX-0.5_d_0.9 and PX-0.5_d_0.1debug to PX-0.5_d_0.7debug) and
*also* to a branch derived from PX6-0.2I (say PX6-0.2I_d_0.1
to PX-0.5_d_0.9 and the debug-versions)?

Would it be possible to "extract" the changes between PX-0.5
and PX-0.5_d_0.9 and "re-apply" them to PX-0.9, to get perhaps
PX-0.9_d_0.1? Of course I can make a patch using 'diff -u', but
does subversion provide a better way?

I'm rather afraid this will lead to complete chaos...

*Any thoughts/ideas/comments*

Sorry for the length of this post. If I was more experienced,
I could perhaps express this in fewer words, but was afraid to
get misunderstood. If you read all this, I already owe you a
virtual beer for your patience.

ALL help whatsoever is appreciated!

Have fun

(*) Another problem is to keep the original author & modification
date & permissions (so that all information I get when unpacking
a .tar-file can be stored into and retrieved from the svn-repo-
sitory). I think Brian Lalor's script (see "storing permissions
in svn") will be a great help on this. :-) -- Dirk

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Received on Fri Mar 4 11:57:14 2005

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