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Re: Adding graphics to the SVN web interface

From: Toby Johnson <toby_at_etjohnson.us>
Date: 2005-03-03 21:03:37 CET

DeBekker, Alan wrote:

> Hello Everybody,
> We just rolled out subversion at my job and a lot of the business
> users are asking me to add some graphics to the SVN web interface to
> snaz it up a bit. I read through the SVN book and didn’t see any
> instructions on how to do this.
> Is this possible and if so how can I do it?
We have a rather attractive web interface to SVN set up using nothing
but Subversion and some creative XSLT. I have copied my examples to
http://www.tobiasly.com/svn/ (note that these include a company logo,
etc. that I'm sure you don't want to use!).

In your Apache config, you'll need to add the following line to get it
to serve an XSLT-transformed XML document instead of the regular HTML
page (note that this path is a web path, not the physical path on your
SVNIndexXSLT /path/to/default-svnindex.xsl

Then make sure the CSS file and images are where the XSLT page can get
to them.

For each item, I have included several links to the corresponding WebSVN
page that you'll want to modify or remove. I also have an "exploded"
path to the current directory at the top, where you can click on any
intermediate directory and go there directly. It makes use of certain
highlighting features for ease-of-use that require a CSS-compliant web
browser, which translates roughly to "not Internet Explorer", although
the page correctly renders in IE as well.

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Received on Thu Mar 3 21:06:25 2005

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