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Re: Disconnection halfway through commit - files now 'obstructed'

From: Michael Abbott (Old) <mabster_at_internode.on.net>
Date: 2005-02-26 02:40:40 CET

Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:
>> D:\Projects\FireOfDestiny - lua\libs>svn status
>> ~ thirdparty
> That tilde is a bad sign. It means that 'thirdparty' is supposed to be
> a file, and is now a directory, or vice versa. I have no idea how that
> happened. Does it contain edits? If not, just delete it and let 'svn
> up' recreate it.

The thirdparty above is the folder that was being added in the broken
commit. It appears that the commit added the folders, etc. but didn't
add their contents because the commit was broken just before that.

In any case, I deleted the folder locally and found out that the libs
folder was locked, so I performed a cleanup on it. Now:

   D:\Projects\FireOfDestiny - lua\libs>svn up
   At revision 82.

   D:\Projects\FireOfDestiny - lua\libs>svn status
   ! thirdparty

   D:\Projects\FireOfDestiny - lua\libs>md thirdparty

   D:\Projects\FireOfDestiny - lua\libs>svn add thirdparty
   svn: warning: 'thirdparty' is already under version control

The last two lines are expected considering the '!' in the status command.

Note that the thirdparty was deleted remotely after all these problems,
so if I browse to the repository I get:

   Revision 82: /fireofdestiny/branches/lua/libs

       * ..
       * lua.lib
       * luaD.lib
       * lualib.lib
       * lualibD.lib

I'm veeery confused at this point :-/ Aside from the broken commit, if
I add a folder that already exists I assumed that SVN treats that as a
new folder with new ancestory?

BTW: Thanks Ben for the help so far :D

- Mab

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Received on Sat Feb 26 02:42:52 2005

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