Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:
> On Feb 25, 2005, at 4:11 PM, Branko ÄŒibej wrote:
>> Stefan Kisdaroczi wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> svn cat gives the following error:
>>> F:\>svn cat file:///f:/svn/test/trunk/inc/
>>> svn: Can't write to stream: Für diesen Befehl ist nicht genügend
>>> Speicher verfügbar. ( For this command is not enough memory
>>> available. )
>>> If I cat a file from the same directory lesser then 50 KB, it works.
>>> I have 64MB real memory free, and about 420 MB virtual free memory.
>>> I installed svn-1.1.3-setup.exe under win2000.
>>> Any hints ?
>> ISTR Windows has a 64k limit on (redirected?) output size in the
>> command line. I can't find the relevant reference, though. I thought
>> we had an issue open about this, but can't find that, either...
> Perhaps ?
Yes! Thanks. I was looking at it in the issue tracker, but it seems to
have neutrino-like properties because it went right through my cortex
without interacting. :(
-- Brane
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Received on Fri Feb 25 23:38:47 2005