Simon Perreault <> writes:
> A quick note to let everyone know that I solved my problem. I finally
> understood the concept of pools (*ducks*) and I understood that my
> script was dying because of the limit of 1024 open files per
> process. The lock file wasn't getting closed because I wasn't using
> a separate pool for the svn_client_ls command. This is how I fixed
> my script:
> + lspool = svn.core.svn_pool_create(pool)
> files = svn.client.svn_client_ls( url, revision, 0, ctx, lspool )
> + svn.core.svn_pool_destroy(lspool)
> I feel so newbish... ;(
No, don't be embarrassed, this wasn't a particularly obvious bug. I'm
glad you posted the resolution here (maybe we can all keep it in mind
for next time).
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Received on Sun Feb 20 07:23:06 2005