Surapol Pairojtanachai <> writes:
> We use svn on our large java project, developed primarily on Windows
> XP. As usual, java development requires very very deep directory
> structure. On many incidences, the svn checkout and update just fail
> ("Unable to find path" error or something like that on ".svn/tmp") on
> a very long path operations. We were up to our neck for a few days,
> and finally we tried to shorten many directories and files names. And
> the problems were gone.
> However, we need to use long paths that are longer than 255
> characters limit. I have seen some post here blamed the issue to
> NTFS. But I have seen some other information on the net saying that
> NTFS only put 255 characters limit on each element of path. The whole
> path limit for NTFS is set at 32K!
> Is it the problem of APR or SVN? Any info or solution will be greatly
> appreciated.
SVN and APR just use the system's PATH_MAX limit, as far as I know.
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Received on Fri Feb 18 18:23:24 2005