A developer got this error message when committing a vendor drop merge to trunk.
It's confusing since it's actually the same repository - only the username is different
(the developer didn't notice this right away).
The problem is there with the svn:// access method, but not with file:// access method.
I don't know if the http:// access method has the same behaviour.
The script below reproduces the error.
Should I file it as an issue?
set REPOS=repos1
set WCVENDOR=%REPOS%.vendor.wc
set WCTRUNK=%REPOS%.trunk.wc
set USERNAME=user1
set PASSWORD=password1
cd c:\svn
rmdir /s /q c:\svn\%WCVENDOR%
rmdir /s /q c:\svn\%WCTRUNK%
rmdir /s /q c:\svn\%REPOS%
svnadmin create c:\svn\%REPOS%
echo [general] > c:\svn\%REPOS%\conf\svnserve.conf
echo anon-access = read >> c:\svn\%REPOS%\conf\svnserve.conf
echo auth-access = write >> c:\svn\%REPOS%\conf\svnserve.conf
echo password-db = passwd.txt >> c:\svn\%REPOS%\conf\svnserve.conf
echo realm = Repository >> c:\svn\%REPOS%\conf\svnserve.conf
echo [users] > c:\svn\%REPOS%\conf\passwd.txt
echo %USERNAME% = %PASSWORD% >> c:\svn\%REPOS%\conf\passwd.txt
rem svnserve -d -r c:\svn\%REPOS%
sleep 10
svn mkdir --password %PASSWORD% -m "" svn://%USERNAME%@localhost/vendor
svn mkdir --password %PASSWORD% -m "" svn://%USERNAME%@localhost/trunk
cd c:\svn
svn co --password %PASSWORD% svn://%USERNAME%@localhost/vendor %WCVENDOR%
echo "file1" > file1.txt
svn add file1.txt
svn ci -m "" file1.txt
cd c:\svn
svn co --password %PASSWORD% svn://%USERNAME%@localhost/trunk %WCTRUNK%
svn merge -r 2:3 svn://localhost/vendor .
svn ci -m "" .
rem gives:
rem Adding file1.txt
rem svn: Commit failed (details follow):
rem svn: Source url '/trunk/file1.txt' is from different repository
Received on Sun Feb 13 22:53:34 2005