Dominik Roblek <> writes:
> You are right. I've build Subversion on Solaris from
> pkgsrc on
> using command 'make install clean'. I'm wondering why
> this build didn't include support for BDB by default
> and how would be possible to turn it on. Does anybody
> know?
I'm the maintainer of said package. To build with BDB support,
add db4 to PKG_OPTIONS.apr in mk.conf and reinstall apr and
subversion-base. BDB support is off by default because APR has
to use it in order for svn to use it, and that is an
objectionable dependency to those who want apache2 but not svn.
It also doesn't work on some platforms.
This advice goes for ALL users of packaging systems:
Only come to the upstream maintainer of a package if you built it
from source yourself. If you build it from a packaging system
(be it RPM, Debian, pkgsrc, whatever), always report your bugs to
the packaging system maintainers first. This will get you a
faster answer on system-specific configuration issues such as
this, and also saves time for the upstream maintainers.
In this case you lucked out, as i am on both teams :).
Eric Gillespie <*>
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Received on Sat Feb 12 23:41:01 2005