Kris Deugau wrote:
> Steve Cohen wrote:
>>Thanks. To be sure, there's more information in the logs, but my
>>question is really more on the conceptual level. We are building a
>>binary rpm from a source rpm. As far as rpmbuild knows, subversion
>>has not even been deployed yet. So why would such tests be expected
>>to work?
>>I guess I just don't understand what these tests think they're
> The binaries you've just finished compiling as a part of the build
> process.
> Why package binaries that don't work?
> As an aside to this, I would recommend snagging the .src.rpm from Dag
> Wieers' apt/yum repository, and trying to rebuild that; I found I had
> trouble rebuilding the particular packages you're trying as well.
> (Listed at, may need minor
> tweakage for RH9.)
> -kgd
Minor tweakage? Care to give me a pointer as to where to look? Glad to
see I'm not the only one having trouble with these packages.
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Received on Wed Feb 9 01:22:27 2005