Jon Scott Stevens wrote:
> Ok, I just figured it out...
> One also needs to define SWIG_LDFLAGS because they are not set off of
> LDFLAGS. On a normal Linux system, this isn't a problem because -lintl
> would be installed in a system library path, but on OSX, one can choose
> to install it with fink so it goes into /sw/lib. That is probably why
> this wasn't discovered before.
> I see that as a bug in the build process as well as the documentation
> (since nothing mentions SWIG_LDFLAGS).
> In addition it seems that --disable-experimental-libtool doesn't do
> squat.
Because it is the default setting.
> This script will build Subversion 1.1.3 on OSX with the Python
> bindings...enjoy my days of pain...
Jon Scott Stevens wrote later:
> Actually, I take that back, I just tried a fresh build using that
> script and now I'm getting all sorts of other weird issues...I will
> post more when I figure it out...
I've built svn+python bindings on OS X at some time in the 1.1.x era, so I'm
a little confused why it's blowing up so spectacularly.
If you feel like giving me an ordinary-user ssh account on the machine in
question, I'll see if I can provide some insight.
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Received on Fri Feb 4 22:10:57 2005