On Feb 4, 2005, at 4:40 AM, Toralf Förster wrote:
> In chapter 6 of the subversion doc you explain the acces of an
> repossitory via a web browser
> (file:///home/tfoerste/trunk/doc/book/book/html-chunk/ch06s04.html)
> One hint for the users would be nice. That is, that the access of a
> repository via webbrowser should be terminated with the slash '/', that
> means rather type http://localhost/svn/repos/testrepo/ into the browser
> than http://localhost/svn/repos/testrepo to prevent a browser error
> like
> "The connection was refused by ..." and getting a log entry from
> apache2
> like:
> [Fri Feb 04 11:38:39 2005] [error] [client] Could not fetch
> resource information. [301, #0]
> [Fri Feb 04 11:38:39 2005] [error] [client] (84)Invalid or
> incomplete multibyte or wide character: Requests for a collection must
> have a trailing slash on the URI. [301, #0]
A trailing slash is "correct", but it's not necessary. If mod_dav_svn
receives a request without a trailing slash, it will automatically add
Try it on svn's own repository: http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn
So if you're getting this error, then there must be something wrong
with your apache setup.
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Received on Fri Feb 4 14:54:57 2005