Copy and move operations break over a separate https proxy
From: Ivan K <>
Date: 2005-02-03 18:42:56 CET
Dear Sirs:
This issue was experienced before, but somehow it's not logged anywhere on the tigris'es issue tracker - well, it could not find it.
Here is my description of a problem:
1. Our svn is running on Linux Fedora-2:
and Win2K/XP (also v.1.1.1, client only).
2. We can access it from Win machines internally over http or externally over https, which is implemented by a SonicWall-R SSL accelerator (a hardware box configured as a router/proxy combo).
3. Svn works fine over http, but breaks when using https on "copy" and "move" commands with a message:
svn: COPY of aaa: 502 Bad Gateway (https://hostname)
Apache log shows something like: - ivan [03/Feb/2005:10:24:27 -0600] "COPY /svn/hce/!svn/bc/2/trunk HTTP/1.1" 502 325 "-" "SVN/1.1.1 (r11581) neon/0.24.7"
4. Here are the previous reports of this problem, according to Google:
IMHO, the implementation of the SSL protocol in a separate box and/or program (be it a proxy or an accelerator/load balancer) is a rather popular option today and the issue deserves attention.
The two work-arounds are
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