In case anyone cares... :)
My atttempts to port my cvs repository to an svn
repository worked when I exported my code out and used
svn import. I didn't have all that much history to
preserve, so I made a clean break.
I did ensure that I enabled auto-prop in my
configuration, and I could see that the import handled
binary files correctly. The subsequent checkout
provided corrupt-free libraries (yay!). I can't say
for sure if I needed the auto-prop enabled, but I'm
sure it didn't hurt.
That said, I did look into the cvs2svn utility, and
there are flag to check mime-types. You can provide
it with a file which contains the mime-types that
should be used. So, I'm still inclined that any of
the corruption was "pilot error" on my part. Had I
tried to use the utility again using these parameters
and options, I probably would've had success. I just
chose not to because I would've had to re-arrainged
the directory structure anyways. I just did this as
part of the svn import instead.
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Received on Tue Feb 1 01:26:45 2005