Re: Merger not Merging -- What I would like a merge process to do.
From: Ben Collins-Sussman <>
Date: 2005-01-24 18:45:06 CET
On Jan 24, 2005, at 9:13 AM, Brass Tilde wrote:
There you go, you just answered your own question.
If the branch changes have nothing to do with the deleted class, then
The process of merging isn't mysterious at all. A simple analogy:
Two weeks later, your buddy sends you an email saying, "hey! I made
Will the patch apply cleanly to your latest code? The answer is: it
* If the patch tries to change files that no longer exist, you'll
* If the patch tries to delete files that you've since changed,
* If the patch tries to add new files with the same names of ones
* If the patch tries to change lines of code that no longer exist,
* If the patch tries to change lines of code that you also changed,
* If the patch tries to add new lines of code to an area where you
That's about as explicit as the rules get. :-)
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