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RE: Newbie questions: How to check out just one file, etc.

From: Dassi, Nasser <NDassi_at_141xm.com>
Date: 2005-01-23 20:47:58 CET


I just read this entire thread, and I believe there is a
misunderstanding as to a "proper/best practices" programming model.

The "repository" is like your "backed-up, versioned" code. The "working
copy" is the copy you play with (edit, share, use locking, etc). A
WWW-accessible copy of the repository should exist as its own "working
copy". For example:

[subverison repository tree]
      - file1
      - file2
      - file3

[working copy (edit version)]
      - file1 <-- these get locked via RCS or other means.
      - file2
      - file3
--> When changes are made, somebody can commit ("back-up" to

[working copy (website version)]
      - file1
      - file2
      - file3
--> To update the website, use the "svn update" command; it'll grab the
Latest-And-Newest version of code from the repository. It will not DUMP
the new code, but only the *updated files* since the version's last

This being said, there is truly no cause to worry about anything. You'd
use one working copy for edits; and one for approved changes. This is a
very *simple* way of looking at it, and is *not* the extent or dynamic
of Subversion. Subversion is even more powerful and featureful than

You should consider looking into WebDAV-based configurations. This
would allow you to configure 2 sites within Apache: one with processes
the PHP files, and one which allows remote-editing (including locking
etc.) of the PHP files. When time comes, you would manually "commit"
the single Working Copy into the Repository.

Subversion 1.2 (within 4-8 weeks, hopefully) will cleanly allow you to
execute the WebDAV model... But with Autoversioning (save-to-repository
on-the-fly) functionally added.

A long email, but am trying to show you a less-daunting way to

- nasser

Nasser Dassi
Sr. Technical Programmer
E: ndassi@141xm.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Carole E Mah [mailto:Carole_Mah@brown.edu]
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 2:28 PM
To: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Newbie questions: How to check out just one file, etc.

Jacob Atzen wrote:

>It is not possible to check out a single file. The finest level of
>checkouts you can do is directory level. You may export single files by

>using 'svn cat' but then it's no longer a working copy.
So then it's useless, since if it isn't a working copy, there's no way
to commit the changes?

>You can use checkout to checkout named directories, with and without
>subdirectories. The manual describes this at:
But as David Ripton said, -N is broken. So until it if fixed, I won't
bother using Subversion.

>I would suggest you make a local configuration file to tell your
>application the paths it needs and then not put this under version
>control. And then have your developers checkout whatever part of the
>repository they need to do their work and view the changes.
But how can they "view" those changes if their URL paths are all wrong
due to their working copy being outside the web hierarchy or not even in
a web directory?

>I don't understand how you today can manage a live site where people
>are editing the files on top of each other. Aren't you having problems
>with people editing files on top of eachother? And the site being
>unavailable due to programming work being done on the files?
No one ever edits files on top of each other. Did you not read my post?
We are using RCS. One person checks out a file with RCS (locking it). He
or she edits it, then checks it back in (unlocking it).

The site is never unavailable due to programming work being done on the
site, because the programming work is done on our development machine,
not our production machine.

I'm thinking we should just stick with RCS until Subversion makes more
sense. If the -N thing is broken, Subversion's pretty useless to me.

>I hope this has made the world of Subversion a little less confusing
>for you.
A little bit, yes, thank you.

Carole E. Mah
Senior Programmer/Analyst
 Brown University Computing & Information Services

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Received on Sun Jan 23 20:55:36 2005

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