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Make Check Errors

From: Peter Kahn <pkahn_at_connected.com>
Date: 2005-01-19 16:47:45 CET

I just upgraded from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 and decided to run the tests (make
check) on the systems I upgraded. I hit the following errors (I have
not errors on my config or make all builds).

Do I need to be concerned about these?

Running all tests in run-repos-tests.py...success
At least one test FAILED, checking
FAIL: log_tests.py 1: 'svn log', no args, top of wc
FAIL: log_tests.py 2: 'svn commit -F foo' when foo is a versioned file
FAIL: log_tests.py 3: 'svn log' on an empty repository
FAIL: log_tests.py 4: 'svn log -rN some_dir_unchanged_in_N'
FAIL: log_tests.py 5: 'svn log -v -r 1:0 wc_root'
FAIL: log_tests.py 6: 'svn log', with args, top of wc
FAIL: log_tests.py 7: 'svn log -r N URL' when URL is not in HEAD
FAIL: log_tests.py 8: 'svn log TGT' with copyfrom history
FAIL: copy_tests.py 1: basic copy and move commands -- on files only
FAIL: copy_tests.py 2: test fix for 'svn mv unversioned_file some_dst'
FAIL: copy_tests.py 3: receive a copied directory during update
FAIL: copy_tests.py 4: resurrect a deleted directory
FAIL: copy_tests.py 5: svn cp URL URL cannot overwrite destination
FAIL: copy_tests.py 6: svn cp PATH PATH cannot overwrite destination
FAIL: copy_tests.py 7: copy and tree and modify before commit
FAIL: copy_tests.py 8: copy files with properties
FAIL: copy_tests.py 9: copy a tree and delete part of it before commit
FAIL: copy_tests.py 10: move and revert a directory
FAIL: copy_tests.py 11: executable bit should be preserved when copying
FAIL: copy_tests.py 12: working-copy to repository copy
FAIL: copy_tests.py 13: repository to working-copy copy
FAIL: copy_tests.py 14: copy item to root of repository
FAIL: copy_tests.py 15: copy URL URL/subdir
FAIL: copy_tests.py 16: copy WC URL/subdir
FAIL: copy_tests.py 17: resurrect a deleted file
FAIL: copy_tests.py 18: copy file from repos to working copy and run
FAIL: copy_tests.py 19: repos->WC copy with keyword or eol property set
FAIL: copy_tests.py 20: revision-kind keywords with non-URL source
FAIL: copy_tests.py 21: copy over a missing file
FAIL: copy_tests.py 22: copy a deleted directory back from the repos
FAIL: copy_tests.py 23: check for double URI escaping in svn ls -R
FAIL: diff_tests.py 1: update a file
FAIL: diff_tests.py 2: add a file
FAIL: diff_tests.py 3: add a file in an added directory
FAIL: diff_tests.py 4: replace a file with a file
FAIL: diff_tests.py 5: multiple revisions diff'd forwards and backwards
FAIL: diff_tests.py 6: non-recursive behaviour
FAIL: diff_tests.py 7: diff only part of the repository
FAIL: diff_tests.py 8: non version controlled files
FAIL: diff_tests.py 9: pure repository diff update a file
FAIL: diff_tests.py 10: diff when property was changed but text was not
FAIL: diff_tests.py 11: don't diff file marked as binary type
FAIL: diff_tests.py 12: svn diff errors against a non-existant URL
FAIL: diff_tests.py 13: diff against the head of a moved file
FAIL: diff_tests.py 14: diff text-bases against repository
FAIL: diff_tests.py 15: repos-repos diff on item deleted from HEAD
FAIL: diff_tests.py 16: select diff targets
FAIL: diff_tests.py 17: diff for branches
FAIL: diff_tests.py 18: diff between repos URLs and WC paths
FAIL: diff_tests.py 19: diff between two file URLs (issue #1311)
FAIL: diff_tests.py 21: check for omitted prefix in path component
FAIL: diff_tests.py 22: diff a file that has been renamed
FAIL: diff_tests.py 23: diff a file within a renamed directory
FAIL: export_tests.py 1: export an empty directory
FAIL: export_tests.py 2: export the greek tree
FAIL: export_tests.py 3: export working copy
FAIL: export_tests.py 4: export working copy with mods
FAIL: export_tests.py 5: export over existing dir
FAIL: export_tests.py 6: export with keyword translation
FAIL: export_tests.py 7: export with eol translation
FAIL: export_tests.py 8: export working copy with keyword translation
FAIL: export_tests.py 9: export working copy with property mods
FAIL: export_tests.py 10: export working copy at base revision
FAIL: export_tests.py 11: export with --native-eol
FAIL: externals_tests.py 1: test checkouts with externals
FAIL: externals_tests.py 2: update to receive a new external module
FAIL: externals_tests.py 3: update to lose an external module
FAIL: externals_tests.py 4: update change to an unmodified external
FAIL: externals_tests.py 5: update changes to a modified external
FAIL: externals_tests.py 6: update changes under an external module
FAIL: externals_tests.py 7: commit and update additional externals
FAIL: externals_tests.py 8: error if external target dir involves '.'
or '..'
FAIL: externals_tests.py 9: test exports with externals
FAIL: merge_tests.py 1: performing a merge, with mixed results
FAIL: merge_tests.py 2: merge and add new files/dirs with history
FAIL: merge_tests.py 3: merge that deletes items
FAIL: merge_tests.py 4: some simple property merges
FAIL: merge_tests.py 5: merging a file with no explicit target path
FAIL: merge_tests.py 6: merge should not die if a target file is absent
FAIL: merge_tests.py 7: merge on deleted directory in target
FAIL: merge_tests.py 8: merging similar trees ancestrally unrelated
FAIL: merge_tests.py 9: merge operations using PREV revision
FAIL: merge_tests.py 10: merge change into unchanged binary file
FAIL: merge_tests.py 11: merge one file (issue #1150)
FAIL: merge_tests.py 12: diff after merge that creates a new file
FAIL: merge_tests.py 13: merge should skip over unversioned
FAIL: merge_tests.py 14: merge into missing must not break working copy
FAIL: merge_tests.py 15: merge --dry-run adding a new file with props
FAIL: merge_tests.py 16: merge with funny characters (issue #1905)
make: *** [check] Error 1

Peter Kahn
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Received on Wed Jan 19 16:48:09 2005

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