Thank you, Ben, for your clarification :o)
Yes, I feared that the more I write, the more confusion :o)
I'm guessing here. It sounds like what you want is to be able to
change a repository through Autoversioning PUT commands, and then have
some other working copy (somewhere else) automatically receive those
If so, then that's a very common thing, and it has nothing to do with
autoversioning at all. Just install a post-commit hook script that
runs 'svn up' on the working copy. I do that myself, as a way of
keeping my ~/public_html/ website up-to-date after every commit I make.
This is *exactly* what I want to accomplish.
My first confusion was that a PUT to a "network share" would actually
update the filesystem target (just like mod_dav/mod_dav_fs) and then --
as second step -- update the SVN Repository. That, it seems, is not the
Back to your "post-commit hook script"... Where would I accomplish this?
Would I have to compile my own SVN build with extra commands? Or, is
there an extra Apache module that supports this sort of functionality?
Pls keep in mind that the repositories and apache server and working
copies are *all* on a remote server. I am looking to access them solely
via WebDAV shares.
PS: The Apache configs were set to:
Listen 81
DocumentRoot "d:\htdocs\webdav\"
<Location />
DAV on
{Auth stuff}
Listen 81
DocumentRoot "d:\htdocs\webdav\"
<Location />
DAV svn
SVNPath "d:\repos\1"
SVNAutoversioning on
{Auth stuff}
... Thanks.
- nasser
Nasser Dassi
Sr. Technical Programmer
O: 212-297-8045
M: 917-747-6326
F: 212-297-8006
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Received on Mon Jan 17 20:43:05 2005