> For instance:
> /project1/trunk/thirdparty/jvcl
> /project2/trunk/thirdparty/jvcl
> or something like
> /thirdparty/jvcl
> /project1/trunk/
> /project2/trunk/
We also opted for the second model. Proper configuration for DPR are
crucial, and I'm considering right now the writing of a php-cli script
that could check relative paths and compiler options like search
path, build dir etc. This would hook directly in the pre-commit hook.
If your server supports PHP 5.0.3 (or later) (only CLI needed, apxs
hooks not required and no guru modules either) and you're interested
by such a feature, feel free to contact me personnaly - this would
help testing the thing. If it were to be released some day, I think
I'd make some announcement around anyway ;)
Note: Could you ask your email-program to set the Reply-To flag to
users@subversion.tigris.org please ? This would prevent my previous
mistake of sending my answer to you directly rather to the whole ML.
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Received on Fri Jan 14 18:56:44 2005