Integration Builds and Tags
From: Stephen McConnell <>
Date: 2005-01-13 19:13:56 CET
Brad, thanks for the article.
The problem is even more complex than I stated.
We have started with a base codeline. As developers "fix" bugs in the
BUT, here's the catcher.... We have multiple clients. Once our
I need to move certain code bunches to a Client Test Integration Build.
Now, If I use the "properties" idea, then each revision of a file can
AND A FURTHER KICKER... For the Production Level, the client only
We are using "subclipse" inside of Eclipse to develop on the "trunk".
I receive an email with a description of the code the developer wants
Then, once the client has tested it, I need to move that code to the
I believe this is getting too complex; and I need to have a talk with
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