On Jan 13, 2005, at 8:02 AM, Dassi, Nasser wrote:
> Hello again... Another day, another question :o)
> [snip]
> 3. When it comes to writing to the share, files need to be "dragged"
> to the share, rather than opened directly from the share. Appendix C
> in the book explains this, and discusses some workarounds. When svn
> 1.2 is released, the autoversioning feature will no longer have such a
> limitation, since we'll have real locking.
> [/snip]
> A) Is SVN 1.2 in the works? Is it a pre-Summer 2004 or later release?
Yes, we've been working on it for 3 months. We expect to release in
late Feb, maybe March.
> B-1) I edit a file that already exists when I browse the repo via
> Apache/mod_dav_svn... Upon saving, will it save properly or do I have
> to drag-and-drop with "workaround"?
> B-2) I wish to add brand-new files to the repo via
> Apache/mod_dav_svn... Upon clicking "save" in my editor, will it save
> properly or do I have to use the "workaround"?
There's not enough detail in your questions.
Here's the restriction: if you try to "open" a file directly from a
DAV share, then most DAV clients (either an application that speaks
DAV, or an application accessing a DAV share through an OS mount) will
attempt to send an http LOCK request on the file, followed by a GET.
Then you edit the file in your app. When you tell the app to "save",
it sends a PUT request, then an UNLOCK request.
Subversion doesn't support the LOCK or UNLOCK requests. So if you
attempt to do this now, it won't work. When svn 1.2 is released, this
shortcoming will be fixed.
So for now, in order to write to an autoversioning share, you can only
do GET and PUT requests. The thing to avoid is *opening* a file
directly from the share. Instead, "drag" the file from the share to
local disk (GET), edit it, then drag it back (PUT).
Whoops, I've just repeated appendix C in the book:
> C) By "share" you mean "web-accessible repository"?
By "share", I mean, "a mounted network disk volume". It's a generic
term that could apply to a mounted NFS drive, or a mounted SMB drive,
AFS, whatever. Any sort of remote filesystem. In this particular
case, I'm talking about mounting an autoversioning subversion
repository, so that it looks like a generic DAV volume.
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Received on Thu Jan 13 15:24:31 2005