IANASvnD, but a few quick thoughts --
> >What about those of us using the svn:// protocol who don't have (or
> >want!) a web server hanging around just to display a list of
> >repository URLs?
Whoever is in charge of deciding who publishes what on the repository
server could maybe keep a (few) text list(s) of repositories and puts
that (those) list itself in its own repository so people can check it
out when they want?
> >[...]
> Exactly.
> The other point I was trying to make is that svn should expose a
> complete adminstration api. If you have ever used source forge with cvs
> you will be aware that their are numerous operations to the repository
> which can only be done via sending an email request to a source forge
> admin (which is a real pain for both them and us).
> If svn has a complete (remote) admin api then the complete management of
> the repository can be done via remote desktop tools.
My impression is that APIs like these are not easy to build, and take
some time and input from various sources to get right. Perhaps you could
take notes as you proceed with your project?
> Nearly all of the staff at our organisation work from home and so there
> is rarely a person capable of administrating the repository in the
> office.
ssh is fairly secure. Is there some reason the people who have access to
the repositories shouldn't have access to shell accounts? (Yes, I am
aware that might be the case.)
> As such we need to be able to remotely admin the repository
> including listing existing repositories (makes it easy for new staff),
> user administration etc.
> Also a having a complete admin api will allow the creation of a complete
> GUI administration tool (something I'm working on as w speak).
(And I'm thinking that things work better when those who perceive the
need are the ones who build them. Which, come to think of it, is one of
the reasons I'm not such a great programmer, seeing as I am a pretty
hard-core minimalist. But that's OT here.)
Joel Rees <rees@ddcom.co.jp>
digitcom, inc. $B3t<02q<R%G%8%3%`(B
Kobe, Japan +81-78-672-8800
** <http://www.ddcom.co.jp> **
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Received on Thu Jan 13 03:35:10 2005